Tullaroan Parish News
The Season of Creation, 1st September to 4th October
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B (2), 15th September 2024
We Remember Our Loved Ones Who Have Died
Anniversaries: We remember Mrs. Eileen Tynan, Gaulstown, Ned Young, Liss, and
all whose anniversaries occur these times.
Reader Next Weekend: Angela Reddy Walsh
Cathedral Draw
The Cathedral Draw is the main source of income for the
renovation of the cathedral and great work has been carried
out on the building to date. Now entering into its 10th year the
new draw will commence this month. (Draw takes place the
last Wednesday of each month. The cost is €10 per month
and there are 10 prizes each month. Top prize €2,000, then
€1000, €500, €300 x 2, €200 x 2, €100 x 3. If you would like
to join and support the Cathedral and hopefully win some
money!), then contact Fr. Pat or Fr. Liam.
So we don’t have to keep pestering people, we ask those
interested in joining to pay for the full year (€120), or half-year
€60) up front. The new draw begins, end of September.
Itinerary for the visit of the Relics of Saint Bernadette to
St. Mary’s Cathedral Kilkenny September 21\22nd.
Saturday 21 September
12.00: Formal reception of the Relics of St. Bernadette
with Mass of Saint Bernadette
Celebrant: Most Rev. Niall Coll DD Bishop of Ossory
15.00: Rosary
18.00: Water Gesture Ceremony
19.30: Ceremony of light
Sunday 22 September
11.00 Sunday Mass (beginning with sprinkling with the
water of Lourdes)
15.00: Rosary
17.30: Sunday Mass (beginning with sprinkling with the Water of Lourdes)
19.30: Bishop Coll leads a farewell ceremony involving a reading from the account given by Saint Bernadette of the apparitions followed by a ceremony of light.
Loreto Secondary School
1st Year Enrolment, Autumn 2024. Applications via school websiet www.loretokk.ie. An open night for 6th class girls will take place on Tuursday 26th September 2024. Further information on our website (above)
Anam Cara
Supports bereaved parents. They are holding a Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Wednesday 18th September at 7:15pm in the Horse and Jockey Hotel, Thurles. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. We also offer an online meeting. For more information please contact us on info@anamcara.ie or 085 288 8888
Poor Clares Galway
Monastic Experience Day for women 18-35. An opportunity to explore and experience Poor Clare life and spirituality.
From 10am to 5pm on Saturday 21st Sept. Contact: vocations@poorclares.ie to book a place
Faith Seeking Understanding
Have you ever sat during Mass and thought ‘I’d like to know more about my faith?’ Well, now you can for free. The Diocese of Ossory is offering an opportunity for baptised Catholic adults to deepend their understanding of what it is we believe.
Help people understand key aspects of our faith
Learn what is distinctive about the Catholic faith
Appreciate what all faiths share in common
Understand our parishes and Diocese
Application forms are available in the porches of our churches. Duration, 2 hours per week, October 2024 to March 2025.
St. Michael’s Pattern
The annual pattern, (Rosary, blessing of graves) will take place on Sunday 29th September at the cemetery in Michael’s Church
College Begins. Best wishes and prayers to all young people starting college or taking on other paths in life. May God bless and protect you.
We Remember Our Loved Ones Who Have Died
Month’s Mind: Mrs. Minnie McLoughlin (nee
Molloy), Ardabawn and England
Anniversaries: We remember Pat Brennan, The Village, and all whose anniversaries occur these times.
Anniversaries Next weekend: Eileen Tynan, Gaulstown.
Cathedral Draw
The Cathedral Draw is the main source of income for the
renovation of the cathedral and great work has been carried
out on the building to date. Now entering into its 10th year the
new draw will commence this month. (Draw takes place the
last Wednesday of each month. The cost is €10 per month
and there are 10 prizes each month. Top prize €2,000, then
€1000, €500, €300 x 2, €200 x 2, €100 x 3. If you would like
to join and support the Cathedral and hopefully win some
money!), then contact Fr. Pat or Fr. Liam.
So we don’t have to keep pestering people, we ask those
interested in joining to pay for the full year (€120), or half-year
€60) up front. The new draw begins, end of September.
Itinerary for the visit of the Relics of Saint Bernadette to St. Mary’s Cathedral Kilkenny September 21\22nd.
Saturday 21 September
12.00: Formal reception of the Relics of St. Bernadette
with Mass of Saint Bernadette
Celebrant: Most Rev. Niall Coll DD Bishop of Ossory
15.00: Rosary
18.00: Water Gesture Ceremony
19.30: Ceremony of light
Sunday 22 September
11.00 Sunday Mass (beginning with sprinkling with the
water of Lourdes)
15.00: Rosary
17.30: Sunday Mass (beginning with sprinkling with the Water of Lourdes)
19.30: Bishop Coll leads a farewell ceremony involving a reading from the account given by Saint Bernadette of the apparitions followed by a ceremony of light.
Reader Next Weekend: Noreen O’ Neill
Anam Cara
Supports bereaved parents. They are holding a Parent Evening for bereaved parents on Wednesday 18th September at 7:15pm in the Horse and Jockey Hotel, Thurles. This event is free and open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether their death was recent or not. We also offer an online meeting. For more information please contact us on info@anamcara.ie or 085 288 8888
Defibrillator Training: If there’s enough interest, we plan on
running a defibrillator training course in the near future.
Those interested in taking part, text your name to Annette
Wall at 086 835 3993. The course is planned for the
end of September.
Poor Clares Galway
Monastic Experience Day for women 18-35. An opportunity to explore and experience Poor Clare life and spirituality.
From 10am to 5pm on Saturday 21st Sept. Contact: vocations@poorclares.ie to book a place
Faith Seeking Understanding: Have you ever sat during Mass and thought ‘I’d like to know more about my faith?’ Well, now you can for free. The Diocese of Ossory is offering an opportunity for baptised Catholic adults to deepen their understanding of what it is we believe. Application forms are available in the porches of our churches. Duration, 2 hours per week, October 2024 to March 2025
22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B (2), 1st September 2024
We Remember Our Loved Ones Who Have Died
Anniversaries: We remember Jerry and Peggy Dunne and all whose anniversaries occur these times.
Reader Next Weekend: Charlotte Mulligan
Altar Servers
We welcome to new altar servers to our Masses. They will begin training this Saturday. we hope they enjoy their ministry.
Cathedral Draw
The August Cathedral Draw took place last Wednesday. Results
are posted in the porch. The Cathedral Draw is the main source
of income for the renovation of the cathedral and great work
has been carried out on the building to date . Now entering into
its 10th year, the new draw will commence in September. The
cost is €10 per month, and there are 10 prizes each month.
Top prize is €2,000,then €1,000, €500, €300x2, €200x2, €100x3
If you would like to join, and support the cathedral (and hopefully win some money!), then contact Fr. Guilfoyle or Fr. Liam. So we don’t have to keep pestering people, we ask those interested in joining to pay for the full year (€120), or half-year (€60) up front. The new draw begins, end of September.
Holy Wells
Kilkenny County Council need your help in surveying
holy wells and Mass path’s. They also hope to
hold workshops around the county over the coming months
to hear your stories. To get involved in the project or to
share information about your local holy well or mass
path, please contact the Heritage Office at Kilkenny
County Council at heritage@kilkennycoco.ie or 056 779 492
Visit of the Relic of St Charbel
The Relic of St Charbelwill visit the Dominican Black Abbey this Sunday, 1st September 2024, from 4 pm to 6 pm. During the
afternoon there will be a talk on the life of St. Charbel and novena prayers concluding with Mass at 6 pm There will be an opportunity for blessing with the relic after Mass. All are welcome
First Friday: Friday next is the first Friday of September. Fr. Guilfoyle will visit the sick and housebound on Thursday morning at the usual times.
Relics of St. Bernadette
The Diocese of Ossory will host a visit of the Relics of Saint Bernadette of Lourdes on the weekend of 21st/22nd September 2024. Saint Mary’s Cathedral, Kilkenny, will kindly accommodate the visit of the Relics to Ossory Diocese.
The Kilkenny Bereavement Support
This service is a voluntary organisation offering free one to one support to people of all ages who have been bereaved.
This is a free and confidential service
Contact 086 0670566.
St. Mary’s Cathedral Gift & Bookshop is open on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9.30 am – 5.00 pm. Situated in the grounds of St. Mary’s Cathedral. On sale is a wide range of books and religious items.
Anam Cara
Anam Cara are holding an ONLINE Bereavement Information Evening on Tuesday 3rd of September at 7pm. Contact 01 4045378 or visit www.anamcara.ie
Defibrillator Training
If there’s enough interest, we plan on running a defibrillator training course in the near future. Those interested in taking part, text your name to Annette Wall at 086 835 3993. The course is planned for the end of September.
St. Vincent De Paul September collection will be taken up before Mass on Saturday September 7th
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B (2), 25th August 2024
We Remember Our Loved Ones Who Have Died
Month’s Mind: Paddy Butler, Kyle
Anniversaries: We remember Dan and Breda Grace, Gaulstown and all whose anniversaries occur these times.
Cathedral Draw
There’s no denying, St. Mary’s Cathedral is
looking magnificent and the sanctuary in particular is
a fine addition. The cathedral too has benefitted from
new insulation and work continues to improve the
structure and fabric of the building. Work is now
transferring outside to enhance the cathedral grounds.
The main source of income for this work has been the
monthly Cathedral Draw, which, over the past 9 years
has raised over €750,000.
To continue the works, the new Cathedral Draw, the tenth,
will begin in September. The cost is €10 per month,
and there are 10 prizes each month. Top prize is €2,000,
then €1,000, €500, €300x2, €200x2, €100x3
If you would like to join, and support the cathedral (and hopefully win some money!), then contact Fr. Guilfoyle or Fr. Liam. So we don’t have to keep pestering people, we ask those interested in joining to pay for the full year (€120), or half-year (€60) up front. The new draw begins, end of September.
Holy Wells
Kilkenny County Council in partnership with Shanarc
Archaeology and Wicklow Willow are conducting a survey
of holy wells and mass paths in County Kilkenny. If they
are not recorded in the near future, their presence and value will
have faded from the public memory.
Kilkenny County Council need your help to record this
knowledge before it is too late. We also hope to hold
workshops around the county over the coming months to hear
your stories. To get involved in the project or to share
information about your local holy well or mass path, please
contact the Heritage Office at Kilkenny County Council
at heritage@kilkennycoco.ie or 056 779 4923
Congratulations to all the young people who received their Leaving Cert Results this week
Contribute to your parish: The weekly collection at Mass is our main source of income for the parish. We are grateful to all our supporters. If weekly doesn’t suit, you can make a donation monthly, yearly or half-yearly. Thank you to all our contributors
Reader Next Weekend: Grace Brennan
Cemetery Mass: Thanks to all who helped out at the cemetery Mass. The weather looked kindly upon us for the celebration, both of the Assumption of Mary and the remembrance of our deceased loved ones. The gate collection amounted to €2,285. Thanks to everyone who supported the collection.
Relics of St. Bernadette
The Diocese of Ossory will host a visit of the Relics of Saint Bernadette of Lourdes on the weekend of 21st/22nd September 2024. Saint Mary’s Cathedral, Kilkenny, will kindly accommodate the visit of the Relics to Ossory Diocese.
The Kilkenny Bereavement Support
This service is a voluntary organisation offering free one to one support to people of all ages who have been bereaved.
The service is provided by volunteers who have been trained in bereavement support.
This is a free and confidential service
Contact 086 0670566.
Patricia Maher Memorial U13 Camogie Tournament on Sunday August 25th . 9.30am – 1.30 p.m. in Tullaroan GAA Grounds
St. Mary’s Cathedral Gift & Bookshop is open on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9.30 am – 5.00 pm. Situated in the grounds of St. Mary’s Cathedral. On sale is a wide range of books and religious items.