Tullaroan Parish News
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C (I), 16th February, 2025
We Remember Our Loved Ones Who Have Died
Anniversaries: We remember The Teehan
Family, Canverstown and all whose anniversaries occur
these times.
Anniversaries Next Weekend: Eugene Walsh, Rathealy, Month's Mind, Sat, 7.30pm
Reader next week-end: Betty Payne
Eucharistic Minister: Catherine Maher
Important Notice Re Bookings
All bookings for baptisms, weddings etc. should be made directly with Fr. Liam 086 818 0954. Fr. Guilfoyle will no longer be taking bookings. Likewise with anniversary Masses. Please book these with Fr. Liam from this week forward.
Church is Open
Thanks to the dedication of Carmel Coogan & Helen Murphy, our church are open every day during daylight hours (in really bad weather, it will remain shut). Do feel free to drop in if you have a few minutes. Our Lord will be most pleased to see you.
Divine Mercy
2025 Divine Mercy National Conference Friday, 21st to Sunday, 23rd February in the Main Hall, RDS, Ballsbridge, Dublin. Bus will be leaving from the Butts Green on Saturday, 22nd February at 8.00am. For bookings, please call 085 133 3320. Tickets: Saturday €35 and available on the door or on the Divine Mercy website. Divine Mercy Conference will be viewable free on
ww.divinemercyconference.com and churchservices.tv or via audio-only on www.RadioMaria.ie.
Kilmanagh Webcam Fault
Kilmanagh's webcam is currently offline due to a faulty Eir Phoneline. We hope to have the service restored as soon as possible. This also affects phoning the parish. Please use my mobile number instead 086 818 0954
Thursday Masses
We are considering in whether to return the Thursday evening Mass, at 7pm (I usually have meetings afterwards). Comments and suggestions welcome.
Parish Cluster
Tullaroan is clustered with Ballycallan & Freshford for pastoral purposes. This means we share Masses, and other liturgies, and help out in the other parishes when required. As Fr. Guilfoyle is retired, it falls to Fr.Liam to include Tullaroan in all plans. Should Freshford’s parish priest retire, then that parish will also have to be taken into account in future planning.
Tax Reclaim
Anyone who pays income tax on, salary, pension, investments,
and who donates €5 per week to the parish, we may be
able to claim tax back on your donated amount, and at no
extra cost from you. This is a valuable source of income
for the parish and it doesn't cost you, the donor a penny more.
We are grateful to all who take part in this scheme. Thank you.
Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes
19 May–24 May 2025 Booking; www.joewalshtours.ie - info@joewalshtours.ie
Telephone: 01 241 0800 (ask for Martin Culleton)
Prices per person sharing: HOTEL AGENA €949 HOTEL LA
COST TO INCLUDE: Bus from Castlecomer or Loughboy Shopping Centre Kilkenny to and from the airport, taxes etc. (supplements apply)
Booking procedure for special assisted/sick section, contact Fr. Anthony O’Connor 087-2517766.
Jubilee Year of Hope
The Jubilee Year of Hope, 2025 is a special year marked by
renewal, forgiveness, and the celebration of faith and community.
A new Diocesan Banner has been placed in our church, to
remind us of this special Jubilee.
Mass Cards
Signed Mass cards are available in the sacristy.
Cards for deceased,get well and general intentions. Each
card is signed by Fr. Liam and is a guarantee of an individual
Mass to be offered. Suggested stipend is €10. Please
remember to leave the name of the person for whom you
wish the Mass to be offered for.
A word of thanks to the very small few who clean our church.
It's a job, seldom seen, but vital in keeping our place of
worship looking well. We are grateful to all cleaning volunteers.
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, year C (I). 9th February, 2025
We Remember Our Loved Ones Who Have Died
Anniversaries: We remember Ann, Pete and John
Dowling, The Village (sat 7.30). James Marshall, Ballybeigh,
and all whose anniversaries occur these times.
Anniversaries Next weekend
The Teehan Family, Canverstown (Sat 7.30)
Reader next week-end: Noreen O’Neill
Eucharistic Minister: Breda Keoghan
Important Notice Re Bookings
All bookings for baptisms, weddings etc. should be made directly with Fr. Liam 086 818 0954. Fr. Guilfoyle will no longer be taking bookings. Likewise with anniversary Masses. Please book these with Fr. Liam from this week forward.
Listening to the Voices of Women in the Bible
15th February 2025, The Pembroke Hotel, The speaker: Dr. Gráinne Doherty, 10.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. Cost: €20 (includes tea/coffee) pay on the door.
Booking essential: Contact Sara or Catherina @ 056 7722870 9.00 am – 4.30 pm Monday to Friday or e-mail regionaloffice@ssjg.ie before February 11th 20025.
Safeguarding Sunday: A Commitment to Protecting the Vulnerable
This Sunday, marks Safeguarding Sunday in Ireland—a day dedicated to reaffirming the Church’s commitment to protecting children, young people, and vulnerable adults. It’s a reminder of our shared responsibility to ensure the Church is a safe and nurturing place for all.
While significant progress has been made in safeguarding, we must continually strive to create a culture of safety, care, and respect. This includes ongoing training for those involved in ministry, clear reporting procedures, and robust support for victims and survivors of abuse.
Safeguarding is not just a policy—it’s about creating an environment where everyone feels safe and respected. On Safeguarding Sunday, let’s commit to being vigilant, supportive, and prayerful in our efforts to protect the most vulnerable among us.
Join us as we reflect on the importance of safeguarding and pray for the strength to continue building a Church that is safe, compassionate, and just for all.
Safeguarding Newsletter
A newsletter on safeguarding in our diocese is available after Mass. Please take a copy and inform yourself on safeguarding. It includes a piece on vetting procedures, a message from our bishop and information on counselling services and supports .
Tax Reclaim
Anyone who pays income tax on, salary, pension, investments,
and who donates €5 per week to the parish, we may be
able to claim tax back on your donated amount, and at no
extra cost from you. This is a valuable source of income
for the parish and it doesn't cost you, the donor a penny more.
We are grateful to all who take part in this scheme. Thank you.
Ossory Pilgrimage to Lourdes
19 May–24 May 2025 Booking; www.joewalshtours.ie - info@joewalshtours.ie
Telephone: 01 241 0800 (ask for Martin Culleton)
Prices per person sharing: HOTEL AGENA €949 HOTEL LA
COST TO INCLUDE: Bus from Castlecomer or Loughboy Shopping Centre Kilkenny to and from the airport, taxes etc. (supplements apply)
Booking procedure for special assisted/sick section, contact Fr. Anthony O’Connor 087-2517766.
Jubilee Year of Hope
The Jubilee Year of Hope, 2025 is a special year marked by
renewal, forgiveness, and the celebration of faith and community.
A new Diocesan Banner has been placed in our church, to
remind us of this special Jubilee.
Mass Cards
Signed Mass cards are available in the sacristy.
Cards for deceased, get well and general intentions. Each
card is signed by Fr. Liam and is a guarantee of an individual
Mass to be offered. Suggested stipend is €10. Please
remember to leave the name of the person for whom you
wish the Mass to be offered for.
St. Vincent de Paul
The February St. Vincent de Paul collection came to €115. Thanks to all who contributed.